Backup Strategy Not Working

silver.bullet at silver.bullet at
Sat Aug 1 06:21:08 UTC 2015

On Sat, 01 Aug 2015 10:03:26 +1000 Karl Auer wrote:
> The problem is the other way around. He creates the file from a cron
> job, can open the file fine from the command line, but the file will
> not open in archive manager.

Is "archive manager" for file-roller?

If so, the OP could test xarchiver, engrampa or ark. Was file-roller
launched by mouse click in a file manager? If so, start file-roller by
menu, a launcher or at best by command line and after that open that
archive with filer-roller.

Don't run

file-roller /path/archive_name

just launch


A file manager would start it by the desktop file with the selected
files and this is done in different ways, that shouldn't make a
difference, but sometimes make a difference. IIRC I had issues using
ark with a web browser, I removed it, because it wakes up green
drives. The desktop files from upstream seem to execute like this:

file-roller %U
ark -caption %c %U
engrampa %U

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