"tcsetattr(): Inappropriate ioctl for device" (redirection to /dev/null)

Adam Funk a24061 at ducksburg.com
Mon Apr 27 13:49:08 UTC 2015

On 2015-04-23, Nils Kassube wrote:

> Adam Funk wrote:

>> It runs hpodder, which is an obsolete command-line podcast-fetching
>> program (I've been looking for a replacement, but I couldn't get
>> podget to work) properly.  The cron job runs it in the morning before
>> I get to the office.
> Thanks for clarifying. I found a deb package for hpodder but it wouldn't 
> install due to missing dependencies. So I couldn't find out why it 
> prints the error message.
> Anyway, you didn't answer the question if you also get the error message 
> if you run hpodder from the command line instead of the cron job. That 
> would be a way to find out if the hpodder command really is the culprit. 

This is in my crontab file:

00 07   * * *     ~/bin/Hpodder.cron.sh

If I run that script (which calls hpodder & does a few other things
like renaming some long filenames & normalizing audio volume) from a
terminal (including screen), I do not get the error.  But the strange
thing is that I've only been getting this error since reinstalling the
OS (but keeping my home directory intact) after a hardware fault. 

> In your initial message you mentioned that you have a bash script which 
> is run from cron. That reminds me that cron doesn't run bash but dash as 
> shell, so maybe you really need bash for your script. Then you could run 
> it from cron with the command
> bash -c your_script
> OTOH, I think it would be better to make podget work for you. Perhaps 
> someone else on this list knows that program and can help you. I read 
> the man page and to me it seems not to be too complicated.

I can't remember what went wrong last time I tried it, but I'm trying
it again now.

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