Problem using ssh client in kubuntu 15.04, -R is not working.

Антон Мацюк denixx.baykin at
Fri Apr 24 16:31:46 UTC 2015

Hi! I have a problem using kubuntu 15.04: When I do "ssh -l user -p 44
-L 8090:localhost:8090 -L 1234:localhost:5900 -R 5700:localhost:5900 -N" - it opens connection, but when I try to use 5700
at remote computer, it says in local console "WARNING: Server requests
forwarding for unknown listen_port 5700". I'll appreciate any help. It
looks like some bug.

I have a brief look at sources of openssh-client, there is channels.c, method
"channel_connect_by_listen_address(const char *listen_host, u_short
listen_port, char *ctype, char *rname)"
tries to do "for" with
"if (open_listen_match_tcpip(&permitted_opens[i], listen_host,
listen_port, 1)) {"
and if nothing suits - do this error.

I am trying to understand is it a bug somewhere in openssh-client, but
do not understand C-things, I am a Java programmer, unfortunately :(
Should I post a ticket to launchpad?

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