KDE/Kubuntu on Xubuntu

Jonesy SPAM_TRAP_gmane at jonz.net
Fri Apr 17 17:53:54 UTC 2015

On Fri, 17 Apr 2015 11:12:30 +0200, Petter Adsen wrote:
> I'm running Xubuntu 15.04 on my desktop, but I was wondering about
> taking a look at the new KDE, to see how it is. I haven't seen KDE in
> many, many years, as I firmly hated it the last time, ....

If you loved the old KDE 3.5, but hated it beyond 
  Marvin L Jones    | Marvin      | W3DHJ  | linux
   38.238N 104.547W |  @ jonz.net | Jonesy |  OS/2
    * Killfiling google & XXXXbanter.com: jonz.net/ng.htm

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