upgrade 12.04->14.04

Saqman2060 saqman2060 at gmail.com
Mon Sep 29 18:24:38 UTC 2014

Yes, you can upgrade the kernel in 12.04 to latest. You can either install a new one from www.kernel.org or upgrade the kernel from the repositories. The last option will be more compatible. 

If it does not work then you can always go back to the previous kernel. 

Upgrading the entire system will upgrade all the software too and will have a completely new system.

-----Original Message-----
From: "Colin Law" <clanlaw at gmail.com>
Sent: ‎9/‎27/‎2014 4:27 PM
To: "Ubuntu user technical support, not for general discussions" <ubuntu-users at lists.ubuntu.com>
Subject: Re: upgrade 12.04->14.04

On 27 September 2014 21:19, steve reilly <steve at reillyblog.com> wrote:
>> Can you explain why you want to upgrade just the kernel?  Or perhaps
>> that is not what you mean.  An upgrade to Ubuntu 14.04 does much more
>> than just upgrade the kernel.  It upgrades all the other software too,
>> so no, you cannot easily go back, you would have to re-install 12.04.
> basically what i was asking was, when i boot, im given 5 or 6 different
> kernels to boot.  top one being the most recent.  3.13something.  if i boot
> this kernel and run the upgrade, do all the previous kernels disappear?  or
> do they stay at 12.04?

As far as I know all the previous kernels will be uninstalled, as will
be the 12.04 one that you are running when you start the upgrade.  You
will be left with just the latest 14.04 kernel.  I don't know whether
kernels from 12.04 would run under 14.04, I think probably not.


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