"Shellshock" bash bug

Colin Law clanlaw at gmail.com
Sat Sep 27 19:53:57 UTC 2014

On 27 September 2014 17:51, Gene Heskett <gheskett at wdtv.com> wrote:
> On Saturday 27 September 2014 11:29:21 Colin Law did opine
>> ..
>> Not sure that answers the question about how I get access to my
>> machine from the outside world without opening port 22 (or using VPN).
>> I need to control it, it is a weather station, not a web server.  Also
>> I suspect there have been many more vulnerabilities found that can
>> attack via an http connection than via ssh, though I have no direct
>> evidence to support that.
>> Cheers
>> Colin
> Does it have a "local' ip, or does it get its address from a makers
> server?  The latter would take it out of my potential purchases column,
> but if its local, where can I get one?

As I said much earlier in the thread it is a Sheeva Plug PC.  When I
say it is a weather station I really mean it is a computer controlling
and monitoring my DIY system, mostly built from various One Wire
sensors, and posting the data off to my web server.

If I were starting from scratch I would use a Raspberry Pi.  If the
Sheeva dies then that is what I will do.

> If it has a local ip, then leave it open, although if its wireless, the
> neighbors, if hacker enough could access it.  Good passwords protecting
> the admin stuff, 20+ characters would secure it well enough in 99.9999999%
> of the cases.

I live in the country and the only neighbour in range is not
sufficiently tech savvy to try to hack into my wifi.  When a car
drives up our lane we look out to see who it is, so also no chance of
someone parking outside and trying to hack in.  I have got a good key
and WPA security of course.
Not sure which passwords you are talking about, unless it is the wifi,
since I have disabled ssh login via user/password (so only accessible
using keys).


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