backing up

Sajan Parikh sajan at
Sat Sep 27 03:24:56 UTC 2014

On 09/26/2014 10:15 PM, Scott Blair wrote:
> Space is not an issue. I have a 4Tb drive for backup and only used 250 
> Gig of it so far.
> My idea of a backup is the less "reinstalling" you have to do the 
> better, Maybe I'm
> wrong in thinking this way.
> -- 
> Scott Blair

It's not entirely about space either though.  When it comes to backups, 
you have to walk yourself through the restore process.  If you backup 
actual applications, rather than just /home, are you really going to 
want to "restore" a piece of software by restore its files?

It would be easier to just cleanly reinstall that application, and 
restore /home.

If you just restore the applications in /opt from your backup, you're 
missing out on everything else the .deb installer would've done for 
you.  Like set up apt repositories, setup startup jobs, etc.

At the end of the day, it's whatever works for you.  Just keep in mind, 
everything* that makes your machine /you/, resides in /home/user.  Third 
party files and applications can be regotten from the third party, and 
if not...then it's time to fine a supported alternative.

Sajan Parikh

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