Blu-ray problem

wG|Agent M agent_m at
Fri Sep 26 01:22:48 UTC 2014

I might be wrong, or my info might be out of date, but my understanding
is that you can't play blu-ray discs on ubuntu / Linux.

If I'm not mistaken it has something to do with licensing for blu-rays,
and as a result unless the people producing the media players have paid
the licensing fee then the players can't play them. Given that software
for linux / Ubuntu is generally free, including VLC, they won't have
paid this licensing fee, and therefore can't play blu-ray
discs....despite the fact that you have legally bought a blu-ray player
and blu-ray disc, have obtain an operating system, and a media
player...again, ALL legally, you won't be able to play blu-ray movies.

Ironically, I believe you can rip the blu-ray into an MKV file, and then
play the MKV file ( the very thing that people obtaining these movies
illegally would do ). However, that either means ripping it every time
you want to watch it, or storing the ripped versions of your movies on
your hard drive, OR I think there is a way to have it ripped and played
through VLC on the fly, but can't really recall how to do it, I
personally just decided to boycott blu-ray and stick with DVDs, the
quality is just fine on any devices that I watch movies on.

As I said, my info on this might be out of date, as it was about 2 years
ago when I tried blu-ray on my new laptop with a blu-ray burner, and
ended up taking the blu-ray disc back, and getting the dvd instead.

Someone else might know more, will be interesting to see if things have
progressed and if so, if you manage to get it working easily.

Best of luck though 

M :)

On Thu, 2014-09-25 at 16:13 -0700, Bob wrote:
> I have just installed an LG Blu-ray player on my system (Ubuntu 14.4).  Trying
> to play a Blu-ray disc using the VLC media player I got the following error.
> ----------
> Blu-ray error:
> No valid processing key found in AACS config file.
> Your input can't be opened:
> VLC is unable to open the MRL 'bluray:///dev/sr0'. Check the log for details.
> ----------
> What log file contains the error messages?
> The folllowing is in the syslog file.
> ----------
> Sep 25 13:19:44 Jupiter kernel: [141194.895887] UDF-fs: INFO Mounting volume
> 'TWELVE_CHAIRS_NA', timestamp 2009/07/15 17:26 (1e5c)
> Sep 25 13:19:44 Jupiter udisksd[2706]: Mounted /dev/sr0 at
> /media/bob1/TWELVE_CHAIRS_NA on behalf of uid 1000
> ----------
> Doing a google search I find many references on how to fix this problem.
> Here is what I have done.
> ----------
> sudo apt-get install libdvdread4
> sudo /usr/share/doc/libdvdread4/
> sudo apt-get install libbluray-bin
> sudo add-apt-repository ppa:n-muench/vlc
> sudo apt-get update
> sudo apt-get install libaacs0 libbluray-bdj libbluray1
> sudo apt-get dist-upgrade
> mkdir -p ~/.config/aacs/
> cd ~/.config/aacs/ && wget
> ----------
> Now I am getting the following error.
> ----------
> Blu-ray error:
> This Blu-ray Disc needs a library for BD+ decoding, and your system does not
> have it.
> Your input can't be opened:
> VLC is unable to open the MRL 'bluray:///dev/sr0'. Check the log for details.
> ----------
> What else do I need to do to get this working?
> -- 
> Robert Blair

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