Dead USB ports on a laptop - ideas?

Colin Law clanlaw at
Sun Sep 21 12:16:34 UTC 2014

On 21 September 2014 12:14, Peter Smout <smoutpete at> wrote:
> On 21/09/14 11:27, Karl Auer wrote:
>> On Sun, 2014-09-21 at 11:12 +0100, Peter Smout wrote:
>>>> There are remote USB units out there that make one or more USB ports
>>>> available across the network.
>>> You learn something new everyday! I have never heard of or come across
>>> these.
>> Google for "USB redirector linux" (minus the quotes, of course)
>> Regards, K.
> Thanks Karl, all new knowledge welcome, but for me personally with my
> limited bandwidth probably not that great but filed for future reference ;)

Can you explain what you mean by limited bandwidth?  Bandwidth within
your home network is nothing to do with your internet connection, if
that is what you are referring to.


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