
Avi Greenbury lists at
Thu Sep 18 09:58:38 UTC 2014

thufir wrote:
> I did an apt-cache search for glassfish, and installed all options.  Is 
> this how install glassfish?  Or, should I just download the .zip file 
> from their website?  Which is preferred?  Pros versus cons.  I'm on 
> Ubuntu 14.04 32 bit.  Presumably the latest version is only available 
> from direct download.

Generally, the pros for using the one in the repositories are:

- ubuntu will keep shipping security updates for as long as they
  support it, without affecting function. You wont have features
  deprecated but will have security holes fixes.
- These fixes arrive in the same way as updates for the rest of the
  updates to packages from the repos - you use the software-updater or
  apt-get and everything gets fixes.
- The Ubuntu package is tested as working with the rest of the Ubuntu
  distribution, a failure to interact properly with the rest of the OS
  is a bug in Ubuntu, and not one where the developer of each piece of
  software might try to blame the other.

The pros for downloading the zip from them are:

- You get feature updates as and when you manually install them, which
  is generally faster than Ubuntu provide them.


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