Upgrading to 14.04 gives problems II

Nils Kassube kassube at gmx.net
Thu Sep 18 05:53:27 UTC 2014

NoOp wrote:
> Don't tell Nils... he probably will be insulted :-)

That's for sure! :)

> OK guys, I finally got around to purging and reinstalling on my other
> 14.04 64 bit system. Results are here:
> <http://paste.ubuntu.com/8368191/>

That looks interesting because I tried to reproduce the problem Joep had 
with the upgrade from 12.04 to 14.04 and I didn't see any dependency 
problems. First I installed 12.04 and I added wine from the ppa. Then I 
upgraded to 14.04 and tried to install wine again. Although I expected 
to see dependency problems it installed without any errors and it 
worked. I must have done something wrong.


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