software update not working

Colin Law clanlaw at
Wed Sep 17 20:38:54 UTC 2014

On 17 September 2014 18:10, Thomas Blasejewicz <thomas at> wrote:
> Good morning
> Now I have a problem with the "software updater".
> Made new, clean installations of "Tuxtrans" (xubuntu 14.01 + a whole
> bunch of translation related software tools) on two different computers.
> (replacing in the process also the Mint installations, because I could
> not resolve the keyboard trouble I have been asking about the other day)
> One is working somehow after the second installation.
> The other (Dell inspiron 1545) shows up from the beginning (tried three
> times) with a red warning sign
> in the notification area telling me "A problem occurred when checking
> for the updates".
> Attempts to check for updates or starting the Synaptic Package Manager fail.

Do you mean xubutu 14.04?

The update problem may just be a temporary issue with a repository.
If not then open a terminal and run
sudo apt-get update
to check for updates.  That should give you more information.
Probably one of the repositories is not accessible.  If you try the
same on the other machine you should be able to see what is different.
If the update runs ok then
sudo apt-get dist-upgrade
to actually fetch and install the updates.


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