Reactivate the Network Manager

Thomas Blasejewicz thomas at
Wed Sep 17 17:20:04 UTC 2014

Good morning
The other day I remove "by accident" the Network Manager" from the
notification area
on a PC running xubuntu 14.01 (tuxtrans).
It does not really matter, but I would like to bring it back to life.

I tried using the Package Manager to reinstall/update the relevant
packages (which one are those? there are millions ...)
and the Package Manage did do something (no idea what it was), that took
quite some while.
No change.
I also tried the command "sudo apt-get install network-manager-gnome".
The computer tells me, the package is already installed and up-to-date.
Right-click on panel trying to "Add New Items ..." there is no such item.

Is there a way to bring that applet back?
With other things I found that you can remove them and later put them
back there ...

Thank you

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