Upgrading to 14.04 gives problems II

Colin Law clanlaw at gmail.com
Wed Sep 17 09:57:42 UTC 2014

Joep, I think, following Nils experiments which have failed to show up
an issues, I suggest the following strategy.
1. Disable the ppa again in Software Sources, lets stick to standard
Ubuntu components for the moment.
2. In a terminal run
sudo apt-get update
to update the database of packages
3. Try
sudo apt-get install wine
we expect that to say that it cannot as it needs wine1.6 or wine1.7
4. Try
sudo apt-get install wine1.6
that may say that it needs <another package>
5. sudo apt-get install <another package>
make sure you get the package name right, including any :386 that may
be on the end
that may say the it needs <yet another package>
6. repeat 5, with each new package that it says it needs (just use the
first one if there is a choice) until you get a message that says that
the wrong version of something is installed, or that something you are
trying to install is already installed (or any other different
message), then post the whole sequence of commands and results here.


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