Upgrading to 14.04 gives problems II
glgxg at sbcglobal.net
Mon Sep 15 15:53:33 UTC 2014
On 09/15/2014 07:33 AM, J.L. Blom wrote:
> On 15/09/14 14:45, Colin Law wrote:
>> That is nothing to do with the Wine problem. OK, lets start again with
>> the ppa in place. First lets have apt-cache policy wine to check that
>> it wants to pick it up from the ppa. Then apt-cache policy wine1.6 and
>> apt-cache policy wine1.7 If wine1.7 has a candidate to install from
>> the ppa then try to install it, assuming it then complains about
>> something not installed work down the chain till you find the culprit,
>> as we did before. If wine1.7 is not available then do it with 1.6.
>> Post all the results here. Colin
> Colin, Yes I know but it shows that the system is still not quite OK.
> I followed your suggestions and it gave a normal result:
> ___________________________________________
> wine:
> Installed: (none)
> Candidate: 1:1.7.26-0ubuntu1~ppa1
> Version table:
> 1:1.7.26-0ubuntu1~ppa1 0
> 500 http://ppa.launchpad.net/ubuntu-wine/ppa/ubuntu/
> trusty/main amd64 Packages
> 1:1.6.2-0ubuntu4 0
> 500 http://nl.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ trusty/universe amd64
> Packages
> wine1.6:
> Installed: (none)
> Candidate: 1:1.6.2-0ubuntu4
> Version table:
> 1:1.6.2-0ubuntu4 0
> 500 http://nl.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ trusty/universe amd64
> Packages
> wine1.7:
> Installed: (none)
> Candidate: 1:1.7.26-0ubuntu1~ppa1
> Version table:
> 1:1.7.26-0ubuntu1~ppa1 0
> 500 http://ppa.launchpad.net/ubuntu-wine/ppa/ubuntu/
> trusty/main amd64 Packages
> ____________________________________________________
> This looks completely normal. However when I do an apt-get install -s
> wine I get the same result as before.
> I begin to get have the impression that apt-get somehow thinks there are
> broken packages but synaptic says 45649 packages listed, 3749 installed,
> 0 BROKEN, 0 to install/upgrade, 0 to remove but when I want to install
> wine it comes with a long list of files to be removed and another list
> to be installed but when I want to install it it says:¨Could not apply
> changes! Fix broken packages first¨.
> I think there is something deep down in the system where something has
> been corrupted during the upgrade to 14.04 and the easiest solutin will
> be to install a completely new system but is for me a long process as I
> have to consider what can safely be removed and what not. I have some
> strategies in mind nut I must find out what is the best.
> On the other hand it may be something very small and incredibly stupid
> from my part.
> Joep
Now that you have the ppa installed & updated, what is the result of:
$ sudo apt-get install wine1.7
$ sudo apt-get install -f
$ dpkg -l | grep wine1. | grep ii
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