Input method (hardware problem?)

Colin Law clanlaw at
Mon Sep 15 09:35:15 UTC 2014

On 15 September 2014 10:08, Thomas Blasejewicz <thomas at> wrote:
> Good afternoon
> I am not sure, I am allowed to ask this kind of question here, but the
> Mint community does not seem to have a mailing list
> and their forum is very slow/inactive so that getting answers there may
> take 10 years.
> Since Mint seems to be based on Ubuntu, I thought, I might be permitted
> a little sacrilege.
> I installed Mint 17, Cinamon 32-bit (1x) / 64-bit (1x) versions on two
> different computers.
> Since I had trouble with the 64-bit version, I made a clean installation
> of the 32-bit version on that computer too.
> All these installations erased everything on the PC and newly installed
> Mint 17.
> Problem:
> System installed -> Updates downloaded + installed
> Languages downloaded + installed (Japanese and German in addition to
> English)
> added a German (querty) KB layout
> -> installed Ibus-anthy
> -> Logout -> Login
> Keyboard Input Method -> add Japanese -> Anthy
> -> added a key for switching input methods
> -> after initially using a different setting, chose "Use same KB layout
> for all windows"
> (which seemed to help at first)
> Now, initially I DO HAVE and can switch between the language applets for
> Japanese / German;
> BUT ... when I just touch the applet for switching between Japanese
> alphanumeric/character input ...
> the language applet for Japanese / German DISAPPEARS
> the keyboard layout I set up earlier also is replaced by a generic
> layout while its Name is still displayed as "German".
> That prevents switching between keyboard layouts and sometimes (always?)
> the switching between input methods.
> The PC (Mouse computer, CPU 2.4 GH, 4GB RAM, 500GB HDD, something I got
> from my son) also frequently becomes
> "unresponsive" while trying to setup things like keyboard, input method
> etc., NOT running any other software.
> Unresponsive means, it will not react to mouse clicking, while the mouse
> pointer still moves around, or keystrokes.
> This "recovers" after several minutes.
> Whereas the system never "recovers" once it has been "suspended".
> My son (who was running Windows 7 64-bit on it) told me, that the
> computer sometimes gets very slow (unresponsive)
> and thus suspected possible hardware problems.
> Before installing Mint I ran an integrity and MEM test. Neither showed
> any errors.

How much RAM have you got?  The slow down could be due to swapping to
disk.  The indicator is that when it goes slow the disk light flickers


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