Unset Caps Lock from being Super

Peter Smout smoutpete at gmail.com
Sun Sep 14 14:59:37 UTC 2014

On 14/09/14 15:50, Liam Proven wrote:
> For a while I used an external keyboard on my laptop. It was a 22y old
> keyboard (IBM Model M) and has no Super (Windows) key.
> So I put in a tweak that remaps CapsLock to Super.
> Snag is, I have now moved that keyboard to my work PC and need to undo
> the tweak...
> And I can't remember where it is.
> It's not an `xmodmap` line in .bashrc, as far as I can see. Ubuntu
> 14.04 has removed the keyboard options setting in System Preferences
> for doing it, too. So I think I put it in a config file somewhere but
> I can't find it. I have tried grep on my ~ with "super" but it found
> nothing.
> Any ideas?
Not on 14.04 yet (lack of decent internet connection is preventing an 
upgrade) or even in front of Ubuntu when typing this (Crunchbang Linux!) 
but try 'dconf editor' IIRC there is a section in there!


Pete S

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