System rebooting

Bob ubuntu-qygzanxc at
Wed Sep 10 17:51:37 UTC 2014

** Reply to message from Karl Auer <kauer at> on Wed, 10 Sep 2014
15:31:39 +1000

> On Tue, 2014-09-09 at 21:50 -0700, Bob wrote:
> > The system is rebooting at random times for some reason.  I looked in the
> > SYSLOG but do not see anything that indicates the reason.  Is there some place
> > that would indicate what the reason for the reboot is?
> You almost certainly have a hardware problem, probably something to do
> with the power supply. Unless you have reason to suspect the actual
> grid, I would check all power connections from the socket to the
> computer first in case something is loose. It could also be a failure in
> power just to the drive, or a loose controller - double check that all
> internal connections are good too.
> > In the SYSLOG I see a long string of ^@ characters at the time of the reboot. 
> > What do these characters mean?
> That's typical of a very sudden stop. ou probably should run a
> filsesystem check on that drive.

This reboot problem just poped up but a few months ago I had a power supply go
bad.  It was built into the case and I had to buy a new case and power supply. 
So it is likely that there is a loose connection after I moved the mother board
to the new case.

I will also check the memory as Colin suggested.

Thanks for the suggestions.

Robert Blair

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