upgrading 12.04 to 14.04 gives many problems

Cindy-Sue Causey butterflybytes at gmail.com
Wed Sep 10 13:26:14 UTC 2014

On 9/10/14, Colin Law <clanlaw at gmail.com> wrote:
> I asked if you had read one of my previous emails and you said yes,
> but you still have not responded to those suggestions, I will repeat
> them.
> First in synaptic click Installed on the left and enter wine in the
> search box.  If there are any wine related packages then uninstall
> them and try the install again.
> If there were none installed or it still says it needs wine1.6 (or
> 1.7) but cannot install them but does not say why, what happens if you
> try to install wine1.6?
> sudo apt-get install wine1.6

If this has been asked, my apologies, I missed it: On a related
thought, have you (the OP) updated your software package manager (APT,
Synaptic, Aptitude, etc) while you're attempting this?

I hit that brick wall just a couple days ago. Wasted an unreasonable
amount of time when the fix turned out to 100% and ONLY be about the
regular maintenance concept of updating the package manager.. Only
found out because I went to the repository itself and could see the
files I was by that point BEGGING the package manager to PLEASE pull
and install..

While trying to figure out why I could see files the package manager
couldn't, I noticed the files' dates were brand new. That's when
running update came to mind., The targeted software version installed
as soon as update was completed.. :)

If for any reason that doesn't work, sometimes the solution can then
turn out to be about how limited the list of repositories is that
we've given the software manager to pull from..


Cindy-Sue Causey
Talking Rock, Pickens County, Georgia, USA

* runs with duct tape *

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