logrotate ownership problems

Patrick Asselman iceblink at seti.nl
Tue Sep 9 06:34:22 UTC 2014

On 2014-09-08 13:08, Adam Funk wrote:
> A few days ago I upgraded rsyslog from 7.4.4-1ubuntu2 to
> 7.4.4-1ubuntu2.1 on two machines running 14.04 (logrotate was already
> at 3.8.7-1ubuntu1), & both of them are now giving me loads of
> "insecure permissions" errors in this morning's anacron output.
> I found a bug report [1] from April 2014 for this problem associated
> with the logrotate 3.8.7-1ubuntu1 package, but I've been using that
> package for a while now & only seen the problem with this new rsyslog
> update.
> What is the correct workaround for this --- adding su lines to the
> logrotate.conf.d/* files, or changing the ownership of the /var/log
> directories & files?
> Thanks,
> Adam
> [1] https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/logrotate/+bug/1278193

I would tend to think you never need su lines in the config file, 
because you can already indicate which user:group and permissions you 
want logrotate to use. http://linuxconfig.org/logrotate

What are the exact messages you are seeing?

Best regards,
Patrick Asselman

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