Skype woes

robert robert at
Fri Sep 5 10:34:33 UTC 2014

Am 05.09.2014 um 11:13 schrieb thufir:
> On Sat, 23 Aug 2014 16:49:24 -0700, rikona wrote:
>> I had the same problem. Software center does NOT uninstall the old
>> version properly, which MUST be done!
> Thanks, I did get it working.  Is this oddity unique to skype, or is this
> a more general problem?  I don't recall ever running into anything like
> this before.
> I can't say specifically, but I do recall installing 4.3, skype version
> saying 4.3, and seeing 4.2 -- as I recall.  That alone was odd.  I know
> now about apt policy, which is interesting.
> -Thufir
I did not following this discussion, maybe I answer a question that was 
never asked..

On one of my boxes I cold not use skype in any usefull way anymore .
I finaly deleted the .Skype folder in my home folder and everything 
started to run  smoothly again..


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