upgrading 12.04 to 14.04 gives many problems

Oliver Grawert ogra at ubuntu.com
Fri Sep 5 10:18:55 UTC 2014

Am Freitag, den 05.09.2014, 10:48 +0200 schrieb J.L. Blom:

> Oli,
> Thanks for your reply but that is too easy. I can not imagine that the 
> ubuntu developers canĀ“t think on their own and at least require an 
> explanation of the udisk2 developers as it is definitely not an improvement.

well, if you patch something on the Ubuntu level you 

(a) have to maintain the patch
(b) have to maintain all resulting changes in other code this causes
(imagine nautilus or gvfs expect there to be /media/$USER/<disk> now,
simply because this is the new upstream default, you would have to
change all tools that follow the new upstream setup too)
(c) get shouted at because Ubuntu again does something non-standard,

such patches surely happen in Ubuntu, but there needs to be a very
serious reason or disagreement with upstream to justify the amount of
work and diversion it causes.

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