Swap Space Not Activated On Boot

sktsee sktseer at gmail.com
Tue Sep 2 23:46:50 UTC 2014

On Sun, 31 Aug 2014 13:26:18 -0700, maihoaomv wrote:

> i installed  linux mint 17 xfce a month or so ago on my laptop. i
> encrypted my home folder at installation but cryptswap wouldn't work at
> the time. with some help from the linux mint  forum i managed to get
> swap to work (most of the time). the problem i'm having now is cryptswap
> doesn't always start at boot time. it worked most of the time at first
> but over time it's gotten to where it almost never starts. i have to
> manually start it with sudo swapon -a.
> hopefully someone can show me what i'm doing wrong and help with solve
> this problem.
> thanks


Edit the cryptswap1 entry in /etc/crypttab to identify the swap device by 
its device path (/dev/sda2), or by its disk by-id path
(example: /dev/disk/by-id/ata-HDMANUFACTURER-MODEL-SERIALNUM-part2). If 
you have multiple hard disks attached to your system then use disk by-id. 
So your crypttab should contain a line like this:

cryptswap1   /dev/sda2    /dev/urandom  swap,cipher=aes-cbc-essiv:sha256


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