difference in number of files and directories ( from GUI and Command line )

Nils Kassube kassube at gmx.net
Tue Oct 28 15:15:24 UTC 2014

Sorry, due to some unknown reason I ignored the last part of your mail 
for my previous reply ...

Jatin khatri wrote:
> ( I've taken a backup of my home directory and want to confirm that
> everything is ok or not ..by comparing the directory and files )

I think the number of files / directories is no real indication if a 
backup is OK. Maybe the files are all empty - then you can't recover 
anything although the number of files is correct. If you want to be 
certain that everything is OK, you should at least check each file size, 
or even better, use something like md5sum for the individual files.

> there is also difference in size  "du" command output  and gui

The du command would count hard linked files only once. If your gui 
application counts them multiple times, du would give a lower value.


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