Question regarding etherwake

Hans Muecke ubuntu-ml01 at
Sat Oct 25 18:28:39 UTC 2014

Howdy folks,

I am using etherwake to wake up one of the lan machines. To do so I have
set up a script to do that at the same time every day and until recently
this worked fine.

The machine that runs this script has 2 nics (eth0 and eth1) and because
eth0 didn't work flawlessly when changing my router I plugged the cable
into eth1. Now the script doesn't wake up the other machine anymore.
Wake-On-Lan still works on the other machine (as I can do so from the
router), so I was wondering if etherwake has to be configured to use a
certain nic.

If so ... how?

Talk to you later ... Hans (328 to go)
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