
Gene Heskett gheskett at
Sun Oct 19 16:13:08 UTC 2014

On Sunday 19 October 2014 11:19:06 William Scott Lockwood III did opine
And Gene did reply:
> On Sun, Oct 19, 2014 at 8:20 AM, Saqman2060 <saqman2060 at> 
> > #sudo apt-get remove virtualbox
> > 
> > Then
> > 
> > #sudo apt-get purge virtualbox
> This is redundant, and may not work as you hope. Running purge is
> enough as it will both remove the packages, and system configuration.
> --
> W. Scott Lockwood III
> GWB2009033817

If what he says is true, that sudo no longer works, then repeating the 
same mantra stanza using sudo is not going to do him any good.

So lets inject some sanity here.

The first thing he needs to do is have him boot the install cd/dvd, which 
will give him back the sudo rights, then guide him, with a procedure he 
can print NOW so he can follow it when booted to the install media because 
he may not have functioning email when booted to the install media.

It may also be possible if he boots to single user mode, but the more 
recent installs have made it extremely difficult to hit the correct timing 
to see grubs choices screen when the old time usual post and grub messages 
are flying by. Hitting the esc key to get rid of the graphic screen and 
actually see the boot process is very hit & miss and usually take 4 or 5 
stabs at the esc key to convince it to go away.  By that time, its likely 
too late and the actual bootup is in progress.  Hit the reset button and 
try again.

As a long time linux user, about 17 years now, I started at Red Hat 5.0 in 
1997 IIRC, I do not consider the gfx screen an improvement, its just 
trying to imitate windows and that most definitely is not an improvement.
And it was an absolutely idiotic move to cover the initial grub screen 
with it.

Its literally been years since I have done that, so I will not attempt to 
tell him what he needs to do out of my now 80 yo wet ram.

Its been said that linux is user friendly, but that it is picky about who 
it calls a friend. :)

Cheers, Gene Heskett
"There are four boxes to be used in defense of liberty:
 soap, ballot, jury, and ammo. Please use in that order."
-Ed Howdershelt (Author)
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US V Castleman, SCOTUS, Mar 2014 is grounds for Impeaching SCOTUS

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