
Thomas Blasejewicz thomas at
Sun Oct 19 15:08:41 UTC 2014

THANK YOU!!! for your offer.
However, as I described in my other post about VMware ...
The problem "Failed to run depmod" has developed.
(probably during (?) all that sudo acrobatics I had to do trying to 
install VirtualBox)

So ... right now NO SUDO COMMAND whatsoever works ...
and I therefore cannot do what you want me to do.
And I expect, I have to wipe everything clean and start all over again.

* I am trying now for SEVEN years (on and off) to get friendly with 
Linux. (still have the Ubuntu 7.04 disks lying around)
(in the course of which I probably spent already 50 times more time and 
energy struggling with Linux
than I have spent over the last 25 years on installations/adjustments on 
all my other computers and OSs put together!)
Yet, I never managed to get much past the automatic installation process.
After that, it is an ENDLESS stream of problems, troubles, errors ... 
where nothing ever has worked "out of the box" for me.
So much for user-friendliness.

(2014/10/19 22:20), Saqman2060 wrote:
> Sorry to hear of your frustrations.
> We will try to work with you on this issue.
> First thing, undo everything you did through the terminal.
> If you have virtualbox installed, uninstall it.
> #sudo apt-get remove virtualbox
> Then
> #sudo apt-get purge virtualbox
> This assures that virtualbox and all its systems files have been 
> removed from being used.
> We will do this one step at a time, so not to overwhelm you. Send 
> another email with the results of the above procedure and we will take 
> it from there.
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> From: Thomas Blasejewicz <mailto:thomas at>
> Sent: ‎10/‎17/‎2014 5:04 AM
> To: ubuntu-users at <mailto:ubuntu-users at>
> Subject: Re: VirtualBox
> Good evening
> The VirtualBox installation nightmare continues.
> All I ever get is:
> "Failed to open a session for the virtual machine "WinXP".
> "Kernel driver not installed (rc=-1908)"
> I am trying on two different Xubuntu 14.04 machines with plenty of RAM
> and HDD.
> Tried to install; trying both Software Center and Package Manager;
> when that did not work -> remove (completely) and reinstall = no effect.
> (went through those procedures several times, including rebooting etc.)
> Only on the machine at home I also got the following 2 errors:
> "VirtualBox-dkms: subprocess installed post-installation
> script returned error exit status 6"
> and a little later the Updater popped up:
> "Package Operation failed.
> The installation or removal of a software package failed."
> When all that did not help, I asked here for help and was advised to do
> an incredible amount of "sudo acrobatics" (far too much acrobatics for
> an old man like me). The below list shows most of the commands (from
> various posts) I was advised to implement.
> Did ALL of them in the order instructed, but none worked.
> BUT all that sudo acrobatics then send the entire system over the edge,
> so that I had to bother the list with that "aptdaemon error".
> It took me another 2-3 days with more dizzying sudo acrobatics.
> Finally, the system is "back online" (sort of ..).
> Stupid as I am I went through the entire routine (installation etc., not
> acrobatics) again. Hoping that MAYBE...
> Now I assume, that when I try to repeat that sudo acrobatics, the system
> too will go jump off the edge of the world again.
> Is there really no way to make this thing work???
> Preferably a way ordinary mortal men can do.
> The ubuntu, VirtualBox and other websites have at their respective top
> those nice promotional statements:
> Linux (Ubuntu) is easy.
> It works out of the box.
> It is very stable.
> etc.
> That is DEFINITELY NOT my experience.
> But if I want to work with Linux (absolute SF story at the moment),
> I NEED something like VirtualBox, since the dictionaries available for
> Linux I have seen so far are very poor excuses for dictionaries.
> >> have you tried manually running 'sudo modprobe vboxdrv'?
> sudo apt-get --reinstall install virtualbox virtualbox-dkms
> (This is what I have on a working system:
> ii virtualbox 4.3.10-dfsg-1
> ii virtualbox-dkms 4.3.10-fsg-1
> ii virtualbox-guest-additions-iso 4.3.10-1
> ii virtualbox-qt 4.3.10-dfsg-1)
> sudo service vboxdrv restart
> Do not run
> sudo service vboxdrv setup
> $ dpkg -l | grep dkms
> ii dkms
> all Dynamic Kernel Module Support Framework
> ii sl-modem-dkms 2.9.11~20110321-9 amd64 SmartLink software
> modem driver - module building source
> if you have not already added the virtualbox repository to your
> /etc/apt/sources.list add it now:
> echo "deb trusty
> contrib" > /etc/apt/sources.list
> sudo apt-get install build-essential libssl-dev linux-headers-`uname -r`
> sudo apt-get install dkms
> sudo apt-get purge virtualbox-4.3
> wget -q -O- | sudo
> apt-key add -
> sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade
> sudo apt-get install virtualbox-4.3
> sudo apt-get install dkms
> sudo apt-get install dkms
> # sudo -s -H
> # apt-get clean
> # rm /var/lib/apt/lists/*
> # rm /var/lib/apt/lists/partial/*
> # apt-get clean
> # apt-get update
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