next page does not load

Patrick Asselman iceblink at
Fri Oct 17 07:10:16 UTC 2014

Doesn't sound like an Ubuntu problem, but i'll give it a shot...

Are you the author of these Python pages?

Can you show us the contents of, or at least the relevant 

Have you tried to rename the Show& to something without the 

Have you tried to escape the ampersand in the html? i.e. something 
<form method="post" action="Show&">

Best regards,
Patrick Asselman

On 2014-10-16 21:23, nitin chandra wrote:
> Hi All,
> I know I can be confusing in my communications, most of the times.
> What I am facing is in points, and hope I am clear in explaining my 
> issue.
> Point 1 - I am able to load the first page as given in [wsgi] ini 
> file,
>               wsgi-file = /home/usr/project/
> Point 2 - This,, loads via http://localhost:9090/; I
> fill out the test
>                form fields.
>               <form method="post" action="Show&">
> Point 3 - When I click on "Submit" the form button, the same page
> reloads                            (, refreshed BUT, in the
> browser URL it shows
>                "Show&".
> Point 4 - If Show&insertDB is run Independently, replacing 
> With
>               Show&, then there are no errors in running
> the file. It requires
>               me to change in [wsgi] ini file, FROM TO 
> Show&
> Point 5 - In my nginx-wsgi.conf file I have
>               include wsgi_params;
>               include fastcgi_params;
> Point 6 - In the *.py file i am doing
>               import cgi, cgitb
> Yet the next page does not load. Please, advice / guide / help needed 
> here.
> Thanks
> Nitin

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