Subscription problems and gmane

Jim Byrnes jf_byrnes at
Wed Oct 15 13:50:23 UTC 2014

On 10/15/2014 08:11 AM, thufir wrote:
> On Tue, 14 Oct 2014 09:11:37 -0500, Jim Byrnes wrote:
> [...]
>> I'm not sure where you got the idea that I use pan.  I use Thunderbird.
>> I set the 2000 limit when I subscribe to a group. Some of them have
>> 100,000 messages available and I normally don't want them all.  I leave
>> the 2000 limit in place because I then have access to them very quickly
>> without going to online archives.
>> Regards,  Jim
> Do you mean 2k for the initial headers fetch, or do you mean 2k each
> fetch?  If it's 2k for the initial fetch, that I can see.

2k is the max it will fetch, so on the initial subscription it would 
only fetch 2k of a possible 100k unread messages.  After that it will 
only fetch unread messages.  So if there are only 10 unread messages 
that is all it will fetch.

Regards,  Jim

> Yeah, tbird is about the same as pan, at least within this context.
> pardon the misunderstanding.
> -Thufir

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