No network when docking

Colin Law clanlaw at
Wed Oct 8 06:27:37 UTC 2014

On 7 October 2014 22:10, Asif Iqbal <vadud3 at> wrote:
> I have HP probook 650 g1 running trusty desktop 64bit.
> I am failing to get the network work when set it to docking. The vga  and
> usb kbd and usb mouse works fine.
> I removed the network and connected to the laptop directly while on dock and
> still no success.
> I undocked the laptop and plugged the same network cable and it is working
> fine.
> It tried few times to get a network while docked and then gives up according
> to this
> log file
> Any one has seen anything like this?
> This is a new laptop and it network with dock never worked.

Does it work if you reboot whilst docked?  That will tell you whether
it is a problem with the docking operation or whether it just does not
work whilst docked (in which case possibly a hardware problem).


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