Backup/restore strategy

Jim Byrnes jf_byrnes at
Tue Oct 7 22:06:47 UTC 2014

On 10/07/2014 01:45 PM, David Fletcher wrote:
> On Tue, 2014-10-07 at 13:29 -0500, Jim Byrnes wrote:
>> Getting ready to do a dist upgrade from 12.04 to 14.04.  I did a test
>> run on my laptop and except for a couple of minor glitches it seemed to
>> go well.
>> When I do my desktop I want to be sure I can easily restore the system
>> to its condition before I tried the upgrade. I use BackInTime (root) for
>> my backups. I backup everything except cdrom, dev, lost&found, media,
>> mnt, proc, run, sys and tmp to an external usb drive.
>> If something goes wrong can I re-install 12.04, install back-in-time and
>> restore from the usb drive. Telling it to over write everything and end
>> up with 12.04 just like it was before the attempted upgrade?
>> Regards,  Jim
> Buy a new hard drive. Hard drives are cheap, cheap, cheap.
> Do your backup, swap to the new drive, install, restore. Then you won't
> be biting your nails in fear of that OH SHIT moment because you can
> always go back to the original drive and try again.
> Dave

Sounds like a plan.  Almost what I did moving fro 10.04 to 12.04. Put 
12.04 on a new HD, dual booted with 10.04 and manually got things 
working.  This sounds better.

Thanks,  Jim

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