Launcher shortcut produces error after OS update

Colin Law clanlaw at
Mon Oct 6 13:57:20 UTC 2014

On 6 October 2014 14:52, Wade Smart <wadesmart at> wrote:
> --
> Registered Linux User: #480675
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> Linux since June 2005
> On Mon, Oct 6, 2014 at 8:38 AM, Colin Law <clanlaw at> wrote:
>> On 6 October 2014 12:34, Wade Smart <wadesmart at> wrote:
>>> .
>>> --
>>> Registered Linux User: #480675
>>> Registered Linux Machine: #408606
>>> Linux since June 2005
>>> On Mon, Oct 6, 2014 at 2:56 AM, Colin Law <clanlaw at> wrote:
>>>> On 6 October 2014 01:30, Wade Smart <wadesmart at> wrote:
>>>>> I have a trading app I use for forex. It was built on Java.
>>>>> It worked fine for a month and then after a normal weekly Ubuntu
>>>>> update it produced this error:
>>>>> java.langUnsatisfiedLinkError: Cant load library: /
>>>>> My desktop entry in usr/share/applications:
>>>>> [Desktop Entry]
>>>>> Name=Barchart
>>>>> Comment=Online Trading Program
>>>>> Exec=/home/wadesmart/Barchart/Barchart-linux32-online
>>>>> Icon=/usr/share/icons/barchart.png
>>>>> Terminal=false
>>>>> Type=Application
>>>>> Categories=Applications;
>>>>> If I click on Barchart-linux32-online directly, it runs fine.
>>>> What do you mean by "click on Barchart-linux32-online directly"?
>>>> Colin
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>>> If you click on the application directly, it starts just fine.
>> Do you mean clicking on it in nautilus (Files)?
>> What happens if you type, in a terminal
>> /home/wadesmart/Barchart/Barchart-linux32-online
>> What happens if you browse to /usr/share/applications and double click
>> the desktop file there?
>> If that works then remove the link from the shortcut (it is probably
>> referring to a different desktop file, (possibly one in
>> .local/share/applications) and drag the one in /usr/share/applications
>> to the launcher.
>> Colin
>>> If you click on the short cut link, that and other errors come up
>>> Wade
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> Yes. If I go to the Barchart folder in wadesmart and click it, it runs.
> And it runs when I click it from /usr/share/applications.
> I removed the icon from the launch and created a new short cut.. it works!
> Why did the .local file no longer work?
> Is that update related or ?? something else.

What .local file?  Have you confirmed that there is there one in
.local/share/applications?  If so then it is probably different to the
one in /usr.


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