Session manager

William Scott Lockwood III scott at
Sun Oct 5 16:00:45 UTC 2014

On Oct 5, 2014 10:05 AM, "Liam Proven" <lproven at> wrote:
> On 5 October 2014 13:33, Phil <phil_lor at> wrote:
> > So, how do I remove the Ubuntu desktop and set Kubuntu as my default
> > desktop?
> Install Kubuntu.
> It's generally a bad idea to try to remove the integrated desktop. It
> breaks stuff. DAMHIKIJKOK.
> If you don't want it, don't install it in the 1st place.

While this isn't bad advice, it isn't at all true that removing things
breaks stuff. I have had no difficulty with adding xfce and subtracting
unity from any build. Its really not that hard, and thanks to apt, all the
things that you need get installed with what you're adding. If you are
worried that craft is left behind, use deborphan to find it so you can
remove it.

W Scott Lockwood III
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