
NoOp glgxg at
Wed Oct 1 19:33:23 UTC 2014

On 10/01/2014 02:37 AM, Nils Kassube wrote:
> Thomas Blasejewicz wrote:
>> I installed VirtualBox via the Software-Center. Xubuntu 14.04; 2 note
>> PCs; plenty of RAM, HDD space
>> Added the "name" of a virtual machine.
>> When I try to start/run VB, I get the error:
>> "Failed to open a session for the virtual machine "WinXP".
>> "Kernel driver not installed (rc=-1908)"
> The kernel driver should be installed through DKMS automatically when 
> there is a new kernel. Therefore I suppose that the package
> "virtualbox-dkms" is missing on your system.
> Nils

The repository virtualbox-dkms is not necessary, you only need the base
dkms package[1]:

$ dpkg -l | grep dkms
ii  dkms  all  Dynamic Kernel Module Support Framework
ii  sl-modem-dkms 2.9.11~20110321-9 amd64        SmartLink software
modem driver - module building source


if you have not already added the virtualbox repository to your
/etc/apt/sources.list add it now:

echo "deb trusty
contrib" > /etc/apt/sources.list

Note: don't add it again if you already have done this previously.

Backup your 'VirtualBox VMs' folder, or any other folder with your
vmdk's before you do anything else.


sudo apt-get install build-essential libssl-dev linux-headers-`uname -r`
sudo apt-get install dkms
sudo apt-get purge virtualbox-4.3
wget -q -O- | sudo
apt-key add -
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade
sudo apt-get install virtualbox-4.3

 Note: Ubuntu/Debian users might want to install the dkms package to
ensure that the VirtualBox host kernel modules (vboxdrv, vboxnetflt and
vboxnetadp) are properly updated if the linux kernel version changes
during the next apt-get upgrade. For Debian it is available in Lenny
backports and in the normal repository for Squeeze and later. The dkms
package can be installed through the Synaptic Package manager or through
the following command:

sudo apt-get install dkms


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