Command-line/cron podcast downloading tool?

Adam Funk a24061 at
Tue Nov 11 12:01:01 UTC 2014

On 2014-11-11, Adam Funk wrote:

> Hi,
> I've been using hpodder (even though it was discontinued a few years
> ago), but now (since I upgraded the machine to 14.10) its cron job is
> failing every morning with "hpodder: <stdin>: hGetLine: end of file".
> I understand from googling that this is a Haskell error, & I don't
> know how to use Haskell.
> Any suggestions for a similar replacement?  I'd like something that
> be run purely from the command-line & cron.

Oops!  It turns out that when I decrufted ~/.[a-z]* the other day
after the distribution upgrade, I forgot to restore ~/.hpodder/ ---
all fixed now.

However, I am looking at podget now --- I guess it's probably a bad
idea to keep using a program that hasn't been maintained for a few

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