Re: Ubuntu 14.04 & AMD FirePro™ 2270

Colin Law clanlaw at
Tue Nov 4 16:53:04 UTC 2014

On 4 November 2014 16:39, Ian A Taylor <iat at> wrote:
> Sir/Madam
> I am trying to install Ubuntu 14.04 onto my desktop.
> My desktop contains an AMD FirePro™ 2270
> I have Scientific Linux 6.5 working on this machine no problems
> My usb install sticks works
> When I boot to it and test Ubuntu 14.04 it works ok

Did you run the image test?  Boot into the stick and hit a key when it
shows the keyboard icon at the bottom and select the test image or
test files or something similar.  Can't remember what it is says
exactly.  Probably it will be ok since it installed, but worth


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