home networking; ping Glassfish

thufir hawat.thufir at gmail.com
Sun Nov 2 08:54:56 UTC 2014

On my home network I'm running Glassfish from a regular pc, which 
functions fine as a server within the LAN.  The server has a FQDN 
registered through noip.com, and the ip address lookup is set to the 
routers public ip address.  From within the local network, browsing to 
the ip address of the server running Glassfish, along the lines of:


works fine.

Will, or should, the router find the server, through its hostname?  Do I 
need something like dnsmasq?  I'm trying to run the simplest possible 
server with Glassfish.

(This is on a different network than I was asking about a few days ago.)

I suppose I could use something like digital ocean, or AWS, but already 
have Glassfish configured locally.



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