The "missing" password!

Sajan Parikh sajan at
Mon Mar 31 02:20:09 UTC 2014

On 03/30/2014 09:12 PM, Niles Rogoff wrote:
> Martin -- Yes, that's why I suggested it.
> Sajan -- No, it had several more options, and remount is not one of 
> them. Some pictures I just took
> -- 
> /Martin
You're right.  Looks like RecoveryMode does need the root password to 
drop to shell.  Although, you're not the one that started this thread, 
;)...give this a try.

In the grub menu on boot, select the recovery mode on.  Instead of 
pressing enter, press 'e' to edit the parameters.

If you add something like 'rw init=/bin/bash' toward the end, it should 
boot the system into a bash shell.

Er..just realized, that recovery mode might add some parameters of it's 
own.  A quick google search showed 'ro recovery nomodeset'.  So remove 
those as well.

 From there, (I promise this time) you'll be able to do 'passwd root' 
and change the password.
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