The "missing" password!

Sajan Parikh sajan at
Mon Mar 31 00:54:25 UTC 2014

On 03/30/2014 07:23 PM, Niles Rogoff wrote:
> To attempt to recover, you might try booting from your Ubuntu live CD, 
> mounting your partition, chrooting to it's mount point and changing 
> the password with the `passwd' command.

If you do need to recover, it might be easier to boot into RecoveryMode 
and use the 'passwd' command.  Rather than dealing with live CDs and 
mounts.  In Recovery Mode the system is automatically mounted, you just 
need to remount it with write permissions.

I've never actually done this in Ubuntu, but booting into single user 
mode is how I've recovered passwords in the past on other 
distributions.  Not sure if 'RecoveryMode' and single user mode are the 
same thing, but either way should do the trick.

Here's a wiki page with what you need to do.  Shouldn't take but 5 minutes.

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