installing xen: system hangs on loading initial ramdisk

Bram Kuijper a.kuijper at
Sun Mar 23 19:13:04 UTC 2014

Hi all,

just a repost of a previous message: as I still did not find any answers 
to the problem below I would be grateful for any advice.


I am trying to get Xen to work on my ubuntu 13.10 macbook pro 10,2, but 
cannot boot into Xen. After installing Xen, and following the 
instructions on, I reboot and 
choose the grub option 'Ubuntu GNU/Linux, with Xen hypervisor'

I then get the following messages:
Loading Xen4.3 amd64
warning: no console will be available to OS
Loading Linux 3.11.0-17 generic
Loading initial ramdisk...
and then the system hangs (no blinking cursor).

Any pointers to how I can get Xen to work on this piece of hardware?



PS: my system supports virtualization:
egrep -c '(vmx|svm)' /proc/cpuinfo

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