Ubuntu GNome 13.10 - Revert scroll bars to the old way

Chris Luck chris at bvhg.freeserve.co.uk
Thu Mar 13 14:20:25 UTC 2014

On 10/03/14 20:42, Dave Woyciesjes wrote:
> Just reinstall Ubuntu Gnome. Previously I would just upgrade from
> one release to the next; but it was time to just reinstall.
> Somewhere along the way, the scrollbar behavior has changed, and I
> can't find out how to get it back.
> Now, the scroll arrows are MIA, and when I click on an are of the
> scroll bar, it jumps right to that position instead of scrolling a
> page at a time in that direction.
> DCONF editor didn't' seem to hold the answer either....

The pagination issue has cropped-up already in the g.l.u.u.kubuntu forum
where the scrollbar oddity has been observed most particularly in
Synaptic (I'm using Kubuntu 13.10).

To get the standard paging effect they now expect the user to
*Right*-click on the scrollbar track!  But there is a hack on offer
which reverts to the standard behaviour:

To handle apps. user-wide, edit:

To handle apps. system-wide and/or those opened with gksu (or kdesu), edit:

Add this line to the settings:

The absent scroll arrows are a separate issue, this thread (and similar)
offer some guidance - https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?id=157386

Chris Luck

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