USN-2124-1 (OpenJDK-6) has regressed..?

James Green at
Tue Mar 4 21:27:35 UTC 2014


The application concerned has been chugging away without major changes for over six years. The last MySQL update received was late January. Soon as the java hot fix was installed Fri morning we are observing chaos.

We have cases where the app lasts 48hrs, others where it lasts less than a minute on a lightly loaded system. Some of our machines have observed a decreased rate of use in recent years as traffic has migrated toward newer instances of hardware so we aren't experiencing sudden growth that we need to adjust connection limits for. 

The app chugs away unchanged across the fleet. We have one box where oracle jdk 6 is installed and the app there hasn't crashed at all. On all the open jdk 6 boxes we get crashes.

The MySQL console shows literally dozens of connections in a sleep state when things go wrong. On our larger db instances there are hundreds. Each starving front ends.

I am going to try and file a bug I think as the Ubuntu package is the only change we can see.


Sent from my iPad

> On 4 Mar 2014, at 19:18, William Scott Lockwood III <scott at> wrote:
>> On Tue, Mar 4, 2014 at 11:57 AM, James Green < at> wrote:
>> We have now migrated a test environment to MariaDB.
>> The "Too many connections problem" remains. Any further suggestions?
> So, for us, we found that mysql would ignore some of the limits we put
> in the ini file for how many connections, but Maria actually obeys it.
> I'd start by increasing the number of connections. If you still have
> the issue, then one of two things is happening: Either, your app is
> not ever closing those connections at all (seems unlikely, but
> possible) or you're using more than you thought. We tuned our setup to
> the limit if the DB clusters performance to deal with peak loads. I.E.
> We went "What's our max ever traffic look like?" and made sure the
> machine had that plus five percent available connection wise.
> --
> W. Scott Lockwood III
> "There are four boxes to be used in defense of liberty:  soap, ballot,
> jury, and ammo. Please use in that order." -Ed Howdershelt (Author)
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