ubuntu 1 closing message

Colin Law clanlaw at gmail.com
Thu Jun 26 20:08:26 UTC 2014

On 26 June 2014 20:52, John R. Sowden <jsowden at americansentry.net> wrote:
> every time I boot up my ubuntu 13.10 computer, I get a message on the
> desktop saying that ubuntu one will be closing on june 1, 2014
> how do I make this go away.

Open synaptic, click Installed in the left hand pane and type
ubuntuone in the Qick Filter field.  That will show you all the
ubuntuone packages installed.  You want to remove all of them except
any that ask to remove anything important.  So click each one, select
Mark for Complete Removal and then, if it says it needs to remove
other stuff then consider that and leave that package in if necessary.
For example on my system ubuntuone-client-data wanted to remove
ubuntu-desktop which would not be a good idea.  Then when you have
gone through them all click Apply in the top panel to do it.  On my
14.04 the client-data package was the only one I had to leave in.


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