Handling resolv.conf on Ubuntu Server 14.04 LTS

Niki Kovacs info at microlinux.fr
Mon Jun 16 11:35:14 UTC 2014

Le 16/06/2014 13:30, Tom H a écrit :
> C'est zarbi!
> If neither dhclient nor resolvconf is running, what's changing resolv.conf?
> And what ends up in it?

resolv.conf kept the 'nameserver' line, but erased the 'search' line. 
Plus, the header saying "DO NOT EDIT THIS" kept returning.

It's not a big deal, since at least one method works, e. g. editing 
interfaces and using resolvconf. Plus, this seems to be the orthodox way 
of configuring things, so I'll simply stick to that:




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