Ubuntu to run my printer

Gene Heskett gheskett at wdtv.com
Sat Jun 14 14:33:38 UTC 2014

On Saturday 14 June 2014 10:04:05 Douglas Pollard did opine
And Gene did reply:
> On 06/14/2014 12:10 AM, Gene Heskett wrote:
> > On Friday 13 June 2014 22:30:19 Douglas Pollard did opine
> > 
> > And Gene did reply:
> >> I am tired of my printer cartridges drying out and having to but new
> >> ones. Is their an ubuntu program that will run my printer in a
> >> Nozzel cleaning Operation at some preset interval. They got the
> >> darn things fixed so if a single color dreis out you can't print in
> >> back and white. That is aggravating.
> > 
> > Vote with your wallet.  Brother makes a very nice B&W laser printer
> > for just over $120 USD. $200 will get you the printer & a spare
> > drum/toner. It will do around 2000  pages on a toner.  HL-2140 or
> > its successor.
> > 
> > Or, for color work, you might find an HL-3170-CDW for $299. 
> > Toners/drums are about $90 a color, and it will tell you when its
> > time to replace one but has not refused to print without it.  Seems
> > to do around 2500-3000 pages before it needs a toner.  Color is
> > good, darned good on good paper with my only fuss being the reds are
> > about halfway between the Epson red which is truly excellent, to the
> > nearly orange "red" HP is fond of.  My color vision can readily see
> > the difference, but its been calibrated by 20 years of running my
> > own color darkroom in the last century.  Picky IOW.
> > 
> > You have to look for them, but Brother DOES have linux drivers.  The
> > only fly in that soup is that when a firmware update for the printer
> > itself becomes available, you have to go find a winders machine to
> > do the update.
> > 
> > For me thats a pima as I have to haul it to the tv station to do it,
> > the neighbor's winderz boxes couldn't find the printer when I hooked
> > it up. Thats a 60 mile round trip.
> > 
> > I did, for quite a long time, have amanda printing its nightly backup
> > report, one page on my home 3 machine system on an epson NX-515, but
> > soon realized that while it did keep the nozzles fairly clean, I was
> > still using about $350 worth of cartridges a year.  So its now
> > turned off till I need to scan something, its scanner works very
> > well on linux with xsane.
> > 
> > Overall, the laser prints at about half the cost per page that an ink
> > squirter can.
> > 
> > Cheers, Gene Heskett
>   Hello Gene,  I bought a Brothers HL-2240 printer new with $60 off so
> it cost me $59.oo at Staples on line a great deal. Spent much of the
> evening trying to get the Brother driver installed and working. It
> seems I only use the terminal to install drivers for printers and I
> forget how in between printers  :-)

If you have the drivers installed, then fire up firefox & go to 
localhost:631, where cups has a web server.  You can do all the rest of 
the configuration from there.  You can also go to machineip:631 from 
another machine.  In either event, you need to be the first user so you 
are in the list of approved sudo users.

> Anyway I guess with a lot of
> trial and error I will get the printer to work today. I almost never
> need to print in color and if i do on a rare occasion I will go to 
> Copy Cat or someplace and pay them to print it. If a single cartrige
> quits in my Epson printer I need to go to Best Buy or Walmart and buy
> four cartriges at a cost of over $50.00 just to get it to print in
> Black and white. I am just not going to do that. Printing is not that
> important to me.

Cheers, Gene Heskett
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