
phil phil at
Tue Jun 10 02:25:04 UTC 2014

Hash: SHA1

Hi List,

Sadly Vinny is not doing too well here so far.
I wonder if anyone has pointed him to

How To Ask Questions The Smart Way

This page also has a good explanation of the attitude to expect on
lists such as this one. I'm not sure Vinny understands the attitude of
the people he is trying to communicate with. My fear is his experience
here will turn him off linux when he is obviously very keen to have a
go . . .

On 10/06/14 04:06, Tom H wrote:
> On Mon, Jun 9, 2014 at 1:34 PM, Vinny Ray <Vinny at>
> wrote:
>> Thank you. I will assume you are "no trolling" as well. I am not
>> trying to change anything. I am trying to find out how Ubuntu 
>> works.
>> On 06/09/2014 05:59 AM, Tom H wrote:
>>> On Fri, Jun 6, 2014 at 8:58 PM, Vinny Ray
>>> <Vinny at> wrote:
>>>> I right click on computer and select properties. On the
>>>> permissions tab it says I cant make any changes because I am
>>>> not the owner. So I am just wondering who owns my computer? 
>>>> You do not have permission, no administrator rights,
>>>> unauthorised access etc.... is why I deleted windows off of
>>>> my system. How can I fix this? I also see that I need to type
>>>> in my password every time I install something.. Surely Linux
>>>> has a fix for these problems?
>>> I'll assume that you're no trolling...
>>> It's normal that you don't have write access to anything
>>> outside of your user directory. Any OS that doesn't enforece
>>> this isn't worth using.
>>> What are you trying to do? Why do you need to change the
>>> computer properties?
>>> The first user created on an Ubuntu box has admin rights. What
>>> admin tasks is it being prevented from performing?
> 1) Don't top post.
> 2) You don't understand what trolling means. My first reaction when
> I saw your post was "this idiot's posting here to start a flame
> war" but I chose to ignore that initial feeling and answer you. 
> Unfortunately...
> 3) PLONK!
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