Are you forced to buy windows in order to solve certain tasks on the internet e.g. like certain banktasks and to update garmin gps maps and other

Pete Smout smoutpete at
Thu Jul 31 16:12:18 UTC 2014

Also certain web based services still insist on xp with shiternet explorer!
Sad but true, in my case,plans to allow users of "newer versions of
Windows" access late 2016! No plans for even other browsers let alone os!

Pete s
On Jul 31, 2014 4:53 PM, "David Fletcher" <dave at> wrote:

> On Thu, 2014-07-31 at 15:31 +0000, user1 wrote:
> > Are you forced to buy windows in order to solve certain tasks on the
> > internet e.g. like certain bank tasks and to update garmin gps maps etc
> >
> >
> I am using the Garmin Etrex Legend HCX. I just copy the Open Street Map
> file into the micro SD card and it "Just Works".
> Never had any problems using banking. Years ago Santander used to
> complain that they didn't recognise my OS but that stupidity stopped.
> I do have to use windows if there's a firmware update for my Brother
> laser, which I'm not too happy about but I do have a hard drive I can
> swap into my computer with a caddy system to run XP so that I can live
> with.
> If you're into astronomy, you can't, as far as I know, update a Meade
> Autostar unit unless you turn to the dark side. I've complained to Meade
> about this in the past, but they're not addressing the problem, so I've
> not purchased their product.
> Dave
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