sanitizing disc

C de-Avillez hggdh2 at
Thu Jan 30 23:24:04 UTC 2014

On Thu, Jan 30, 2014 at 3:01 PM, Karl Auer <kauer at> wrote:

> If you just delete the files, the data remains on disk and can be
> reconstructed. In fact, it is quite easy to reconstruct, and there are
> programs that will do it for you. Even formatting the disk will not
> remove all the data.
> To properly sanitise a disk, hit it several times with a large
> sledgehammer :-)
> Alternatively, use "shred". This takes a long time, but will very
> effectively destroy all the data on a disk. Read the man page though,
> because there are some limitations depending on the type of disk and the
> disk format.
>    sudo shred /dev/whatever
> Karl has it -- use shred. And wait. shred, like any other disk scrubber,
> will take a long time to end (from a few hours to many, depending on the
> size of the disk, and your paranoia).

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