I need a good backup program.

Gene Heskett gheskett at wdtv.com
Sat Jan 25 19:52:42 UTC 2014

On Saturday 25 January 2014 14:43:04 Bob did opine:

> Thanks to all that replied.
> I have some reading and testing to do to find the one I like.

I am with Colin on backing up what you can and making a trip to town for a 
fresh drive.

I would change my mind only on seeing a smartctl report that gave it a 
clean bill of health, but I'll bet its re-allocating bad sectors and on its 
way to the trash or recycle bin.

Any new drives you buy today, I would also check for firmware updates, I 
have had several over the last 5 years that needed a firmware update before 
I could even to a lubuntu or mint install.  For Seagates for instance, you 
can download the update as a cd image, burn it to the cd, and reboot to the 
cd, which takes care of the rest of the updating.  And I haven't lost a 
byte yet doing it to drives already in service.  Seagates are however, near 
the bottom in dependability in the ratings although I have 4 1T's here and 
3 are over 4 years old now.  Slashdot.org had a story on whose drives 
lasted longest a week or so ago.

Cheers, Gene
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NOTICE: Will pay 100 USD for an HP-4815A defective but
complete probe assembly.

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