I need a good backup program.

Gene Heskett gheskett at wdtv.com
Fri Jan 24 04:46:15 UTC 2014

On Thursday 23 January 2014 23:30:04 Bob did opine:

> I am looking for a good backup program.  I would like to be able to
> restore an entire partition or all partitions if the there is a disk
> failure and sometimes to be able restore a single file.  The backup
> program that comes with Ubuntu appears to be for restoring single files
> only although you could reinstall and then restore over the new system
> to get back to where you were.  Does anyone have a suggestion.

I have been using amanda for about 15 years now.  Extremely capable of all 
that, including bare metal recovery to new disks if it has to.

But, and here I will get lambasted like an idiot by every packager on the 
planet, but the amanda security model cannot be setup by either dpkg or 
rpm, and the hacks that are done to it to allow it to install with dpkg or 
rpm are so invasive that I cannot even begin to give advice if you try to 
install the distributions versions of it, not to mention the distro 
versions are all 5+ years old.  Even after all this time, it is in fairly 
active development to stay abreast of the newer hardware.

Get the tarball from zmanda.org, read the docs until you do understand the 
whole thing, then follow their instructions to build it and install it.  It 
will start here in about 1:15, and will be done about 2:40 in the morning, 
requiring nothing more from me than reading the email it sends me when its 

Amanda has a mailing list that is actually monitored by the main 
maintainer. He and probably 20 others like me can offer help there, but the 
packaged versions aren't really supportable.  Join it.

Cheers, Gene
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NOTICE: Will pay 100 USD for an HP-4815A defective but
complete probe assembly.

BOFH excuse #55:

Plumber mistook routing panel for decorative wall fixture
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dangerous than 200 million guns in the hands of
         law-abiding citizens.

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